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Funeral Expenses – what is a reasonable way to go?

Where a person passes away with a valid Will appointing an Executor, the Executor will typically make the funeral and burial arrangements. A Will often contains the wishes of the Deceased regarding their intended funeral arrangements. Occasionally, people who may not...Read More

Don’t tell Mum – half the death benefit is gone!

Dying without a valid Will is bad enough but combine it with failing to make a binding nomination regarding your superannuation entitlements and the consequences can be disastrous. Many younger people argue that they do not need a Will because they have minimal...Read More

“Who gets the fishing gear?”

In a recent Supreme Court of Queensland case, the Judge was asked to interpret the meaning of a clause in a Will that gave “all of the fishing gear” and a 37ft fishing trawler to the deceased’s son. The question for the judge was, “does the fishing gear include the...Read More