For a lot of people, a New Year’s Resolution is something that goes in one year and out the other…. The start of the new year is the ideal time for you to review and update your estate planning. As your life changes, so should your plan. Have you: Purchased a...Read More
At Kruger Law, we often receive questions about Estate and Probate disputes. This article answers some of the more common ones. Question 1: Can I challenge a Will if I have been left out of it? Answer: Yes, but only if you’re a:- Spouse – including a...Read More
There has been a recent explosion of online services spruiking the ability for you to do your own Will, with the click of a few buttons, at almost no cost. Some overseas websites even offer a money-back guarantee – although I’m not sure to whom any refund gets paid!!...Read More
This is the ninth in our series of articles on the uncertainties of death. Myth – “I have done my Will and don’t need to look at it again …. Right?” Wrong! It is important that you regularly review and update your Will. Your estate planning can be affected by a number...Read More
What does a little old lady, her Sydney Harbour mansions, her neighbours and a promise have in common? The Supreme Court of New South Wales recently had to consider that very point! The Court had to decide whether a verbal promise by the elderly Mrs Murphy to leave...Read More