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It was mum’s fault !

It was mum’s fault !

It is not uncommon for parents to exclude children from their Will – especially where the relationship between the parent and the child has soured. As you can imagine, the reasons for a breakdown of the relationship between a parent and child can be many and varied....Read More
To begin, begin

To begin, begin

As we welcome the new year, many of us take time to reflect on our goals and aspirations. We make promises to ourselves to eat healthier, exercise more and do something new. Amid all the self-improvement, however, it’s easy to overlook one important aspect of our...Read More
Copy That !

Copy That !

I wrote about the importance of knowing where your original Will is in this column a year or so ago. The three recent files on my desk and the decision of Hindman J handed down in the Brisbane Supreme Court on December 5 on one of my files suggests it’s time to...Read More
A little respect …. for my wishes!

A little respect …. for my wishes!

I often write about the importance of having a valid Will. You might have been as surprised as I was to learn that Aretha Franklin, “the Queen of Soul”, died without a formal Will. By not making a formal Will, the famous singer sparked more than four years of bitter...Read More
A Matter of Trust

A Matter of Trust

Many clients who we assist with their estate planning have involvement in a Trust. When the Trust is established, it comes with a ‘rule book’ known as the Trust Deed. The rule book sets out important matters such as the Trustee, the Beneficiaries, distribution of...Read More