The fear of missing out on a deal and concerns about ‘timing’ the market may result in a Seller rushing to sign a Contract without considering the consequences. The right of a Buyer to change their mind and terminate a Contract under the Cooling Off...Read More
To battle the rise in cost of living, interest when you separate rates and property prices, we are seeing an increase in parents, siblings and friends pooling their funds together to purchase their dream home. Sounds like a perfect solution on face value. It is...Read More
We look at whether you need an ATO Clearance Certificate when selling property. The answer is yes, if: you are selling real estate over $750,000; and you don’t want 12.5% of the sale price to be paid to the ATO. The ATO requires the Certificate to be obtained before...Read More
The Australian Government has announced that it intends to expand the eligibility criteria of the Home Guarantee scheme. The scheme was initially introduced to support the affordability of first home ownership by allowing a prospective homeowner to have a 5% deposit...Read More
Major changes are coming relating to the sale of property in Queensland. One significant change is that the old principle of “Buyer Beware” will largely no longer apply. There will soon be obligations on a Seller to make comprehensive disclosure to a Buyer of matters...Read More