This is the seventh in our series of articles on the uncertainties of death. “I can do my Will myself …. Right?” Well …. yes but what is the “true cost” of trying to save a few dollars now?? If your “do it yourself” Will is not properly drafted, clear in its terms and...Read More
This is the sixth in our series of articles on the uncertainties of death. Myth – “My new partner’s children can’t challenge my Will…. Right?” Wrong! There are many misconceptions in relation to the classes of person who are eligible to “challenge” the proposed...Read More
This is the fifth in our series of articles on the uncertainties of death. Myth – a person without capacity is no longer able to update their affairs. Wrong! It is not widely known that a court can make a Will for a person who has lost capacity. A “court made” Will...Read More
This is the fourth in our series of articles on the uncertainties of death. Myth – “I can defeat a challenge to my Will from a family member by making a token gift to them in my Will”. Wrong! If a person challenges your Will, they are seeking an amount from your...Read More
This is the third in our series of articles on the uncertainties of death. Myth – “My Will dictates who gets my superannuation….. doesn’t it?” Wrong! Your superannuation does not form part of your estate and is not controlled by your Will. Your superannuation benefits...Read More